There are many essential things you should keep in mind while traveling with babies. If you'd like to spend the time without any stress and worries, you should think in advance about the following details:
- How many hours are we going to spend on the road?
- Will there be facilities to make a bottle?
- Will the nappies be the same?
- Will there be high chairs?
Yes, items that you ignored before the birth of a child are now so essential and can suddenly become deal breakers. However, you shouldn't worry so much. Traveling with children is not hard work. It just requires a little more planning.
One of the keys is your accommodation when planning your trip. If you live in the United States, you know that you should typically choose between two lodging types: hotels and motels. But which is better for you and your child? This article will tell you the answers to all of your questions. Let's start!
Mode of Transport

Many parents prefer to travel by their own car (don't forget about the car seat!). Why, you may ask? The answer is straightforward: it gives us the flexibility to travel when we want, pack as much luggage as we need, stop when we need to, and break up the journey as required.
There is only one problem: most hotels have limited parking to offer, which can be expensive. A motel is super convenient because you can leave your car right outside the door.
By the way, we would like to say a few words about traveling and parking. Such information will be handy precisely for those who prefer traveling by car and getting to the airport with the help of this type of transport. So let's get to the point.
You probably know that the fastest and the most convenient way to get to the airport is to use your own car if you have one. However, then you need to leave your vehicle somewhere and do it safely, not too far from the airport you're flying from. In most cases, airports have special on-site parking for that purpose. However, such a parking lot is pretty costly most of the time, and people aren't ready to spend a lot of money at the beginning of a trip. So is there any solution?
The best way to solve this problem is to choose off-site parking. Why, you may ask? We will explain.
There are many reasons which can prove the benefit of this parking type. Here are some of them:
- Affordable Rates. Depending on the duration of your trip, you can choose between short-term and long-term airport parking. Anyway, an off-site airport is much cheaper, so you can save your money and spend the most considerable amount on things you really want to see or try while traveling.
- Fast service. In contrast with on-site airport parking, which can take quite a long time, off-site parking offers you the convenience of driving directly to the entrance and having a staff member pull your luggage out of your vehicle and load it into the shuttle. Then they will park your car for you. After your baggage is loaded, you can take your seat in the shuttle, which will bring you and your bags to the airport. It is a hassle-free option that is usually faster.
- Convenience. When people travel, they may be stressed about making it to the airport on time. If you use off-site parking, you will definitely make your travel experience more convenient, as you use the service of a private company. Even though you may park on-site at the airport in a short-term or long-term airport parking lot, consider using an off-site parking lot service.
We are glad to say that our booking platform,, offers travelers online reservations for parking just outside airports that are convenient and affordable. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing travelers parking options at over 100 airports in the U.S. and Canada. The app allows customers to search and compare parking rates at up to 70 percent savings compared to the cost of on-site parking at all major airports.
With our platform, it only takes a few clicks in the app to reserve a parking spot. Guests receive a booking confirmation and a guaranteed parking space upon arrival at the off-airport parking. In addition, the app helps customers locate the most convenient lots to the airport. Cancellations are easy if plans change with hassle-free, refundable cancellations.
Besides this, we also offer services for top cruise ports in Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, and Texas.
Let's take a good example. Imagine that you live in NYC. If you're planning a trip to Miami, you can choose cheap Rochester airport parking. If you're coming from Miami, the situation is the same - you can use affordable MIA airport parking. So it depends just on where you are flying from.
You can always find everything you need on our official website: the best deals for parking near U.S. and Canadian airports, airport parking rates, and much more.
Size of the Rooms

More luggage and more people means you need more space. Even if you are traveling with a baby, many hotel providers will just give you a standard bedroom. It can make it difficult to move your belongings and crib. It also limits your baby if they are moving around. We recommend finding out how much space is available before you book your room.
Amenities & Facilities

When moms breastfeed their babies, everything seems to be easy - all you need are a portable dummy sterilizer and a changing bag. However, when you start bottle feeding, you need a place to wash and sterilize the bottles. Besides, you may need plastic spoons, bowls, and a highchair. Many of these items will probably be offered as child-friendly hotels. So on this front, you can choose a hotel, although it's essential to check it out first.

It works both ways. Babies cry, and neighbors may be noisy. Babies need napping and may require peace during the day when neighbors have every right to make noise. So finding a quiet accommodation option which is not so close to public areas such as bars or pools is a good idea. Motels are often designed so that most fellow travelers will be out of earshot, although you can also get some very private hotel rooms. It is another aspect to check before booking.