What You Should Avoid During Your First Trip to Europe

What You Should Avoid During Your First Trip to Europe

Traveling to Europe 2022-10-09 ParkingNearAirports.io
Your first trip to Europe shouldn't be something stressful – conversely, it should be an exciting time you spend alone or together with your loved ones. Even though multiple European countries have plenty of similarities to the United States, there are still some differences you should be aware of before your departure, especially if it's your debut. Below you'll find some tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes among travelers during the first trip to Europe – starting from crowded tourist traps and finishing with etiquette errors. So let's not waste time and get to the point!

1. Passport Denial

Source – Shutterstock. American passport in someone's hand

You obviously need a passport to travel overseas, but did you realize that several European nations have restrictions? Even if your passport hasn't yet expired, border security may nevertheless bar you from entering. Some regions require that a passport be valid for at least three or six months after the date you plan to travel. For instance, you mightn't be allowed to board your flight if your passport expires two months before your trip. Italy, Spain, Greece, and France are popular locations with these restrictions. For more information, consult the U.S. Department of State.

2. Taking a Cab

Source – Shutterstock. Taxi car in London – selective focus

Most European cities have quite trustworthy public transportation, whereas Americans prefer to use taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. Consider your options carefully before you travel because taking the train, subway, tram, or local bus could result in significant cost savings.

Since European cities are typically highly walkable, you can save even more money by using the pedestrian route to reach your destination. Another excellent approach to reducing travel costs is to stay in the city's center.

3. Tipping Blunders

Source – Shutterstock. Group of friends paying for meal in restaurant

Although tipping is a significant part of American society, doing it internationally could result in difficulties. The custom of leaving a tip differs from country to country, although generally a 10 to 15% service charge is already included in the total. Unless the service was exceptional, you aren't obliged to leave a larger tip; in that case, a few more euros are acceptable. Don't leave a 20% tip like you would in the US. You'll save cash this way. If there isn't a service charge included and you're not sure if you should tip or not, a general guideline is to leave a 5-10% cash tip. Ask a local for advice on proper tipping behavior if you're unsure.

4. Crowds and Tourist Traps

Source – Shutterstock. Tourists assemble under Prague's famous astronomical clock

This advice applies particularly to large cities with a lot of tourist attractions. Ask a helpful local for suggestions on what to do next while everyone else is going to the same museums, monuments, and restaurants. If contacting a stranger on the street seems awkward, ask a staff member at a nearby museum or store for recommendations on where to eat or what their favorite attraction is. You'll have more genuine travel experiences with these recommendations. Additionally, you'll be able to avoid crowds and maybe save some money as most tourist attractions have overpriced costs.

5. Store Closings at Lunchtime

Source – Shutterstock. Woman turning a "CLOSED" sign on the glass door of a cafe

This advice is especially necessary if you're visiting a lesser-known or smaller European city. To allow staff to have lunch and take a break, shops and eateries may be closed in the afternoon. A siesta in the afternoon is a common cultural practice in Spain, where this is particularly prevalent. Similar practices are followed in other countries like Italy, Greece, France, and Cyprus. In states like France, the cafés and restaurants stay open until late afternoon before closing a few hours before dinner, whereas the museums and stores close for lunch. However, in busy tourist locations, you'll probably find something open because the city won't shut down completely. Before you leave for your destination if in doubt, ensure the store or restaurant's hours online or give them a call.

Travel in full comfort together with us – ParkingNearAirports.io!

Source – Shutterstock. Happy beautiful couple in front of Colosseum in Pula Croatia

Traveling worldwide shouldn't be something tiring – conversely, that's the time you can enjoy both the amazing landscapes of our Earth and joint activities with your loved ones. Nevertheless, things don't always go as planned, and we're at risk to face some challenges even at such an enjoyable moment. One such problem is actually airport parking, specifically its price. Let's have a look at the situation a bit closer.

If you used to get to the airport you're flying from by your own car, you probably know what we're talking about – the question of parking cost arises every time. You'll be definitely shocked – even though most US airports provide travelers with on-site parking, which allows them to leave their vehicles for their entire journey there, such a parking type is unfairly overpriced. Choosing this parking option, your next trip just might cost you a fortune. And that's not even considering it's complicated to find a free parking spot for your car. Since nobody wants to waste money and travel inconveniently, there begs the following question: is there actually any solution?

And we're happy to say – yes, there is one!

What is off-site parking and why is it worth choosing this option exactly?

Source – Shutterstock. Shuttle buses at the parking lot of the airport near the jetway in the rays of the setting sun

Your best solution is already here – off-site parking lots that are just a few miles from the airport. Our smart booking platform, ParkingNearAirports.io, provides our clients with the most affordable rates, along with high-quality service and an easy-to-use interface. In addition, we offer the services for the major US cruise ports that are located in Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, and Texas as well.

Why choose an off-site parking option? The answer is pretty straightforward – it's cheap and convenient. Using our services, first of all, you'll avoid the following difficulties you might face while getting to the airport you're departing from:
  • Crowded parking lots,
  • Carrying the luggage all the way through the parking lot,
  • Expensive fees without great service, and much more.
Everything works simply as well: after you've driven to the entrance, you'll be met by a parking lot staff who will take your luggage from your vehicle and load it onto the shuttle, which will take you and your bags to the airport terminal. Then, your car will be securely parked at the parking lot itself.

By the way, free shuttles going back and forth between the parking lot and the airport terminals are available 24/7. All that's required of you is to make a call and inform staff about the time suitable for you.

Forget about all the nightmares by choosing ParkingNearAirports.io!

Source – Shutterstock. A flight to London in the sky over Tower Bridge

For better understanding, we'd like to give you a good example.

Let's imagine that you live in Jacksonville, Florida. If you're going to visit Europe, use the services of cheap parking near Jacksonville Airport. In the event that you're flying from Knoxville, Tennessee, choose affordable TYS long-term parking. As you can see, everything just depends on the place where your journey begins.

Our friendly platform also provides travelers with special airport parking reservations coupons that can make the price almost two times less. And that's without taking into account that our services will cost you up to 70% less at all! So don't forget to monitor all the updates and use them while booking!

Making a reservation is easy with us – it's possible to complete the process through a few clicks, using our app or official website. Besides, if your plans change, you can cancel hassle-free and get a refund.

If you still have any questions, turn to our easy-to-navigate website – there, you'll find all the required info connected with the off-site parking. Airport parking, along with its pricing, provided by the majority of US airports, is a true nightmare, but if you know the place, your life can be much easier. Let yourself travel in full comfort right now – Park Smart & Choose Convenience together with us! And have a nice trip!