New York's LaGuardia Airport (LGA) opened in 1939. In 1940, it was already the busiest and most promising airport in the world. A distinctive architectural solution of this place was the observation deck on the roof of the building. Also, one of the terminals was made in the art deco style, and the attention of tourists has always attracted a magnificent mural by James Brook. Honestly, it was a magnificent structure that was the center of all civil aviation in the country.
Years later, however, LaGuardia Airport ceased to be a source of pride and became a burden on the government. What seemed in the fifties to be the most interesting architectural and design solution is now completely irrelevant. During this time, everything at the airport has taken on an unkempt appearance. No one had any doubts that something had to be done about it. So in 2015, a plan was developed to reconstruct the building, which continues to this day.
The government took a long time to decide whether to demolish the building and build a new one in its place or to modernize what was already there. In the end, the plan was to connect the two variants. Terminal B decided to demolish and build a new one in its place, and terminals C and D, to reconstruct. According to specialists' calculations, for all construction activities, it may take up to 3.6 billion dollars. But even despite this, many are wondering whether these changes will help restore the greatness of LaGuardia Airport.

Many airlines have been forced to relocate from LGA because of the renovations temporarily. However, since the airport is scheduled to open just before the end of 2021 fully, some departures are already underway.
Also, in 2018, LaGuardia parking was fully opened. The parking lot has seven levels, so the airport offers many airport parking deals. Here you can leave your car for 30 minutes, an hour to escort loved ones to their flight. A long stay car park is also available here. Prices for different types of parking vary but be prepared to pay a tidy sum if you leave the car for a long time.
A great alternative is parking lots that the airport does not own. However, they are close to the departure point. There is such parking near New York's LaGuardia Airport, too, where you can leave your vehicle for less money. You can find everything you need to book a spot in such a parking lot in advance on our website.
Perhaps this renovation will breathe new life into LaGuardia Airport. Looking at how much effort has gone into renovating the building, you can't doubt that the airport has great promise.