An In-Depth Guide to the Celestial Delights of June: From 'Daytime Meteor Shower' to 'Strawberry Moon'

An In-Depth Guide to the Celestial Delights of June: From 'Daytime Meteor Shower' to 'Strawberry Moon'

Natural Wonders 2024-06-24

The 2024 total solar eclipse may have been the most anticipated astronomical event, but last month's stunning aurora display has shown that there's more night-sky excitement to come this year. The increased opportunities to witness the northern lights could start as early as this month.

The sun has nearly completed its 27-day rotation since May 10th, when a powerful solar storm brought the northern lights to nearly all 50 states. The highly active sunspot that caused this historic aurora show is once again pointing in the direction of Earth. According to, this could lead to a fresh round of lights in early June, although the chances of them reaching the magnitude of last month's display are slim.

Even if the June lights don't materialize, there are more dazzling auroras on the horizon. The sun is moving toward its "solar maximum" – the roughly 11-year peak of aurora activity – which means we'll enjoy increased northern lights possibilities within the next 12 to 18 months.

June also has plenty of its own night-sky marvels on the schedule, from 'Planetary Parade' to 'Strawberry Moon', giving us plenty to watch for this month. So let's not waste time anymore and… Get to it right now!

Rise and shine! Here's your in-depth guide to June's unforgettable sunrises…

June 3rd: 'Planetary Parade'

Source: David Menidrey/Unsplash

On June 3rd, the most prominent celestial bodies will align across the northeastern to southeastern horizon. In the early morning hours, a lineup of 6 of our planetary neighbors will rise together: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. According to the stargazing app Star Walk, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye, while a telescope or binoculars will be necessary to spot the dimmer Neptune and Uranus. This will be a race against the approaching daylight to catch a glimpse of all the planets at once. Jupiter and Mercury won't rise above the eastern horizon until just before sunrise, so finding a location with an unobstructed view to the east will be crucial for the best viewing experience.

June 4th: Jupiter-Mercury conjunction

Source: NASA/Unsplash

A remarkable celestial event is set to occur on June 4th. At 6:04 a.m. EDT, Mercury and Jupiter will align in the closest conjunction until the year 2059, as per the stargazing app Star Walk. However, the exact moment of this conjunction will be obscured by the rising sun. Nevertheless, you can still witness the duo on the eastern horizon before sunrise.

June 5th: Moon near Pleiades, Jupiter, and Mercury

Source: Anders Drange/Unsplash

The eastern horizon will be the stage for a captivating celestial display throughout much of this month but June 5th will hold a special treat for fans of the Pleiades, a bright and easily visible star cluster. On the morning of June 5th, the waning crescent moon will be positioned just beneath the Pleiades cluster, with Jupiter and Mercury shining brightly below them. In addition, you can look for Mars, Neptune, and Saturn above the east-southeast horizon around the same time.

June 7th: Arietid 'Daytime Meteor Shower' peak

Source: Michał Mancewicz/Unsplash

The Arietid meteor shower, which runs from May 29th to June 17th, is expected to reach its peak on June 7th, according to This shower is known to be a powerful event, producing anywhere from 60 to 200 meteors per hour. However, there's a catch – the Arietids are a daytime meteor shower, meaning the bulk of the activity occurs during daylight hours when it's too bright to see the shooting stars. But don't despair, as you may still be able to catch a few zipping meteors early in the morning on June 7th. To spot them, turn your gaze towards the constellation Aries.

June 20th: summer solstice

Source: Philip Mackie/Unsplash

The northern hemisphere celebrates the longest day of the year on June 20th, marking the official start of summer. Cultural festivities around the world commemorate this milestone, from the gathering at the iconic Stonehenge (which you can catch via a live stream) to the spectacular mountaintop bonfires in the Austrian Tyrol region. According to, the precise moment of the summer solstice, when the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky, occurs at 4:50 p.m. EDT.

June 21st: full 'Strawberry Moon'

Source: uomo libero/Unsplash

This month's full moon, which was named by Native American communities, signifies the abundance of strawberries that mature around this period annually. As stated by Time and Date, it'll be at its peak at 9:07 p.m. on June 21st. In addition, the June full moon will be positioned low in the sky, making it an ideal opportunity to capture photographs of the moon against the city's skyline, as per Digital Camera World.

Fuel your wanderlust, not your frustration: book smart parking with!

Source: Jaro Bielik/Unsplash

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Source: Martin Jernberg/Unsplash

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