Annoying Habits Passengers Should Avoid on Flights

Annoying Habits Passengers Should Avoid on Flights

Special Recommendations 2024-09-16

We all wish for a trouble-free travel experience, but with more people taking to the skies than ever before, there's a good chance we'll encounter some hiccups along the way. To illustrate this point, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has reported a rise in disruptive passenger incidents in recent years. In addition, there are numerous other, often less severe passenger offenses that can make or break a flight. To understand which passenger behaviors are most frustrating, we looked at a 2024 report from the public opinion company YouGov. Here are the most annoying things you can do on an airplane, according to your fellow passengers. Let's get to it!

So what's the most annoying thing on a plane?

Source: Marten Bjork/Unsplash

The most irritating actions on planes

The survey asked participants to evaluate a wide range of passenger behaviors, categorizing them as either "acceptable," "unacceptable," or "not sure." The majority of respondents found some acts to be acceptable, such as pressing the flight attendant call button to request refreshments (67% found it acceptable), waking up a seatmate to use the restroom (72%), or using a laptop on the tray table (81%). Conversely, over 60% of passengers deemed the following behaviors as unacceptable: not switching to airplane mode, exiting before those in the front rows, ignoring the safety demonstration, eating strongly scented food, using both armrests when seated next to someone, and leaving trash in the seatback pocket.

Moreover, there were several passenger behaviors that were deemed unacceptable by more than 80% of respondents. These included watching a movie without headphones (81% disapproved), getting up during turbulence (82%), becoming intoxicated (82%), and, topping the list, allowing children to play in the aisle (86%).

The key takeaways are clear: limit your pre-flight drinks, keep a close eye on your children, always obey the seatbelt sign, and remember to pack your noise-canceling headphones.

Other annoying habits

Airplane passenger behaviors were quite divisive according to the survey. One of the most debated topics on airplanes is the issue of seat recline. Some feel it's rude to recline your seat, while others believe it's acceptable. The survey found that 55% of respondents said reclining is acceptable, 26% found it unacceptable, and 20% were unsure. To help provide guidance on this debate, we sought advice from flight attendants and travel experts, which you can read here.

Another hotly discussed topic was switching seats. This is one of the things flight attendants dislike the most, as asking a fellow passenger to move from their assigned seat, especially if they paid extra for it, can lead to delays during boarding and unnecessary confrontations. According to the survey, 51% said it's acceptable to request a seat change, 26% deemed it unacceptable, and 23% were unsure. However, one thing is certain: if there happens to be an empty seat on the plane, you should definitely ask a flight attendant before switching.

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Source: Nikola Ancevski/Unsplash

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