11 Tips for Solo Travelers: What to Do and What to Avoid

11 Tips for Solo Travelers: What to Do and What to Avoid

Solo Travel 2024-08-30 ParkingNearAirports.io

Going on a trip by yourself can be a bit scary for some people, but it also has a lot of great benefits. When you travel alone, you can fully experience a new place without any distractions. You can choose exactly what you want to do, see, and where to stay, without having to agree with someone else. But being on your own in an unfamiliar place does come with some risks. With that in mind, here are 11 helpful tips for people traveling solo. Let's dive in!

So how can solo travelers actually stay safe abroad?

Source: Pin Adventure Map/Unsplash

Do: share travel plans

Before you set off on your solo adventure, take a moment to share your travel plans with someone you trust – a family member or close friend. Share the details like where you'll be staying and the dates of your trip. If you plan to meet up with anyone while you're away, mention that too. The more information you provide, the better they can help if anything unexpected happens. For an extra layer of security, you can use a tracking app like Google Maps or Find My to share your real-time location. This way, your loved ones can keep an eye on you. Finally, make sure to check in regularly and let them know you're doing well. A simple call or message will give them peace of mind.

Do: act confident

Blending in as a local can be a great way to stay safe and avoid unwanted attention while traveling. Rather than carrying a big map or constantly checking your phone, try to walk with confidence and purpose, even if you're not entirely sure of your destination. Planning your transportation and route the night before can also help you look more like a local. When you project an air of self-assurance, you're less likely to stand out as a tourist and become a target for scammers or thieves. Remember, the more comfortable and familiar you appear, the better you'll be able to enjoy your travels without drawing unnecessary attention.

Do: download maps

International data roaming can be costly and Wi-Fi or cell service may be unreliable when you're traveling abroad. This can leave you feeling lost and unable to access the maps on your phone, which can be especially concerning if you're exploring a new place on your own. Instead of risking losing service, make the most of the Wi-Fi at your hotel and download the maps you need before heading out into the city. Both Google Maps and Apple Maps allow you to easily download their maps, so you can use them even without a signal. That way, you won't have to rely on asking strangers for directions.

Do: research the destination

The idea of arriving at a faraway destination without a plan may seem exciting for spontaneous travelers, but it can actually be impractical and unsafe. Before you go, it's important to do some basic research on your destination, such as finding out which areas are safe for tourists and which places even locals avoid. Planning ahead isn't just a safety issue, but also to ensure you have a more enjoyable trip. Instead of relying on generic guidebooks, consider checking online forums to get insights directly from locals. For example, Reddit is a great resource to learn more about your travel destination, as each city usually has its own community where people share tips and tricks.

Do: lie when necessary

From a young age, we're taught that lying is wrong. This is generally true, but when traveling alone, a small lie can protect you from dangerous or undesirable situations. For instance, if a stranger invites you to their shop, you could politely say that you're running late to meet a friend for lunch, even if that's not the case. Similarly, if someone tries to convince you to go back to their place, you can apologize and explain that you have tickets to a show. These harmless lies can go a long way in keeping you safe and at ease.

Source: Andrew Dawes/Unsplash

Don't: trust strangers too quickly

Chatting with strangers at a local restaurant or bar is a great way to learn about the culture of a place and meet locals and other travelers. This can be especially appealing when you're traveling alone and looking for someone to talk to. However, it's important to remember that you never know what someone's true intentions might be. While most people have good intentions, scammers often act in a friendly manner to gain the trust of unsuspecting tourists, only to take advantage of them later. So, use common sense: if anyone you meet invites you to an unfamiliar location or asks to borrow money, even if it seems harmless, it's best to politely decline and walk away.

Don't: flash expensive items

Wearing expensive items like a Rolex watch or Gucci bag can make you an easy target for thieves. They might follow you until they find the right moment to attack when you're alone on an unfamiliar street with no one around to help. That's why it's better to leave your valuable possessions at home or at the hotel when you're traveling alone. Instead, wear simple accessories that won't draw unwanted attention. That way, if anything happens, it'll be easier to replace them.

Don't: imbibe too heavily

Many people like to relax and have fun on vacation. But having too many drinks at dinner and then walking back to your hotel alone can be dangerous. People who are obviously drunk are easy targets, especially if they're by themselves. If you want to have a few late-night drinks, do it at the hotel bar or a nearby place so you can safely go back to your room afterwards. And if you do drink while you're out, always call a reliable taxi or ride-share service to take you back to where you're staying, instead of risking walking alone through dark and unfamiliar areas.

Don't: defy local etiquette

Wherever you go, it's crucial to follow the local customs and traditions. If you act disrespectfully, even if it's unintentional, it can lead to an unpleasant or even dangerous situation. And if you're traveling alone, and accidentally offend someone, you won't have anyone to help you handle the situation. So, before your trip, do some research on the proper local etiquette and make sure to follow those customs to avoid drawing unwanted attention to yourself.

Don't: keep cash in one place

When traveling abroad, you'll likely want to have some local currency with you. Even though you can take precautions, you might still end up a victim of pickpocketing or theft. This can happen to seasoned travelers as well. First, consider getting a cross-body bag that has anti-theft features. You should also leave extra cash, a spare credit card, or bank card back at your hotel room instead of carrying all your money with you. The same goes for your identification – keep copies of your passport and other important travel documents either digitally or at the hotel. If the originals get stolen, those copies will make getting replacements much easier.

Last but not least: the final tip…

Source: Victoria Prymak/Unsplash

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